I told you that i'm trying to hit RR40 at the moment, well it's a long way. I was part of a warband rolling over Eataine, zerging in front of the Order Warcamp there. As i am a sneaky gobbo, i usually shoot in peoples backs.
The Quick Shootin' Herder is fun to play, although it lacks a bit burst damage. My Run n' Shoot usually hits for about 500 dmg non crit on a squishy class. Most of the time, gobbo attacked players have Yer Bleedin' and Rotten Arrer on them, which leads to about 600 dmg per Run n' Shoot in combination with the 2 DoTs. I have not skilled 1s Plink and have only 6 points in Path of Big Shootin', but my Plink hits Mobs for 1054! Maybe i should get some serious data about how hard i'm hitting players with Plink. I have a hard time at the moment thinking on respeccing for Big Shootin', which would lead to the standard What Blocka-Plink-Plink-Plink-Dead rotation, which is also fun.
Oh, i was in Bloodwrought Enclave again (my second time) and i got Sentinel Squigkickas! That makes 5 out of 6 Pieces in just two runs, i guess i'm one lucky guy.
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